Welcome to the topic Looking For Helpful IRS Tax Tips.
It’s important to prepare for the upcoming tax season. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) offers tax filing information, tools, options, and resources, and also suggestions to assist us in discovering and protecting ourselves from identity theft.
Here are some tips to help you get through tax season without a hitch:
Tax Queries
For tax assistance, use the Interactive Tax Assistant. This tool addresses a variety of tax-related queries. It can tell you whether a certain form of income is taxable, whether you’re entitled to certain credits, and whether you can deduct expenses on your tax return.
It also answers common concerns like how to figure out your filing status, if you may claim dependents, and if you need to submit a tax return, among other things.
Previous Tax Year’s Details
To access, print, or download a variety of transcripts, you must first register with Get Transcript Online. Request a tax return transcript and a tax account transcript using Get Transcript by Mail or call 800-908-9946 if you choose not to use Get Transcript Online.
You can also obtain a large number of transcripts by mailing Form 4506-T, Request for Tax Return Transcript.

Form Guides
Hundreds of articles and instructions on practically any tax-related issue are available for download. The answers you require can always be found in the guidelines for a specific form.
You can also get free tax forms delivered to your home by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM (800-829-3676).
Early Refund Filing
Yearly, tax scammers file tax forms using stolen social security numbers in order to receive false refunds. Scammers are less likely to collect refunds owed to honest customers if you file early in the tax season.
Contact the IRS Identity Protection Specialized Unit at 800-908-4490 if you receive a letter from the IRS that seems to be fraudulent. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) both have information on tax identity theft.
If you expect a return, file as soon as possible.
Don’t Panic If You Receive A Letter
If you get a notice or letter from the IRS, phone the number listed on the upper right side of the notice or letter, or write to the address listed on the notice or letter. If you get a questionable notice or letter, contact the IRS at 800-829-1040.
By phone, e-mail, or social media, the IRS never asks taxpayers for private details. Phishing and internet scams should be reported.
Look Into Payment Plans
When you owe taxes but can’t afford to pay the entire amount, file on time and pay as much as you can with your tax return.
The more you pay on time, the less interest and penalties you’ll have to pay. The alternatives accessible to you are outlined in Publication 4849.
Free Tax Help
Credentialed IRS volunteers provide free community-based assistance in many areas. Check out the dates and locations for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance).
Several libraries include information on alternative free tax assistance programs. At IRS.gov, you can learn about the Free File software options and how to choose a tax preparer.
Amend Your Tax Returns
Taxpayers may discover that they made an error or forgot to include something on their tax return after filing it. In this case, you’ll need to file an Amended Tax Return.
The IRS has the authority to amend math or clerical problems on a return, as well as accept returns that lack certain forms or schedules. There is no requirement for taxpayers to modify their returns in these situations.
If you expect a refund, you should also wait. Before filing an updated return, they must wait for their initial tax return to be processed.
The Internal Revenue Service is automatically refunding payments to anyone who filed their tax returns reporting unemployment compensation before the American Rescue Plan’s revisions.
Amend tax return form: 1040-X.
Beware Of Tax Scams
It is always a good idea to keep an eye on tax scams and make an effort to keep yourself informed and avoid these scams.
A new one that recently popped up is where the Federal Trade Commission has issued an alert to the public about a bogus IRS email scam that has been circulating in people’s inboxes.
It claims that if you click a link, you will receive a third Economic Impact Payment (EIP). If you click it, a fraudster may steal your money as well as your sensitive data, allowing them to perform identity theft.
For reliable information on EIP payments, especially frequently asked questions and answers, you should go straight to the IRS’s third Economic Impact Payment homepage.
Scam and phishing warnings, advice on how to report a scam, and a collection of details called Taxpayer Guide to Identity Theft are all available from the IRS if you need them.
Contact The IRS
The IRS receives thousands of calls and visitors to its website every day during tax season. You can reach them at 800-829-1040, but expect long wait times and an automated telephone menu. IRS.gov is the fastest and easiest way to receive information 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Keep Documentation Ready
It’s possible that good organization of documents won’t help you save money on taxes. However, there are additional benefits, some of which are monetary.
For many people, the most difficult part of tax season is gathering all of the necessary papers. This includes documents such as last year’s tax return, this year’s W-2s and 1099s, and receipts, among other things.
Home Office Deduction
The conditions for seeking a home office deduction have been relaxed to allow more self-employed people to take advantage of this tax break.
Even though they don’t see clients there, people who have no fixed site for their enterprises might claim a home office deduction if they use the space for administrative or management functions.
If you expect a tax refund, electronic filing is the best option. Because electronic returns are processed faster than paper returns, you should anticipate receiving your refund three to six weeks sooner.
The waiting period is much shorter if your return is put immediately into your bank account or IRA.
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